To The Women Who Raised Me 

The women who helped raise me…

The reason why I get along better with elders. 

Why I always keep my heat past 80. 

Why I love Golden Girls, Matlock, and get nostalgia seeing Sesame street.

Why I LOVE large puzzles and Vanilla Wafers.

Why even when my faith is the size of a mustard seed, something tells me to hold on and keep going. 

Divine Mothers, church mothers, usher board members, choir members, and always dedicated to their faith. Divine grandmother's, aunties, sisters, and wives and church family.

Made us wear stockings in the summer. Lol. Brought us the BEST candies (Werther's caramel candies always on deck!), and took care of us while my young mom worked multiple jobs. Being raised by elders is one of the greatest blessings an old soul can have. 

I miss you Lulu, Aunty, and Big Mama. I miss you Grandma Susie, Auntie Celestine. I miss the visits. I miss watching your shows with you. I miss seeing you dolled up and dressed to the 9's every Sunday. I MISS YOUR FOOD! I miss the wisdom you always shared. I miss your essence. Thank you for everything.