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Soul/R&B artist Katarra joins forces with EDM producer Nate Jones in a high strung electronica ballad about breaking bad love habits. With Jones' layered riffs and driving production, Katarra fiercely sings of not wanting to give herself to "Nothing No More" over layers of rich, syncopated vocals and beats.


Written by: Katarra Parson

Head fall down deep
Inside yourself
You keep my love
At bay, I see

Locked down by
Demons you got chains
Down to your feet in vain
Hear you say name
In your dreams,

but you never come to me
You don't to set yourself free
Time to walk away...
I don't need to be dragged down
even lower than I've been before,
I don't need no leeching lover
Let me bleed out on the floor
I've been through so much before
I don't wanna give myself to nothin no more

Verse 2:
Head fall down deep
Inside my chest
I heave my tears away, to sea
I don't need cycles
On repeat
I'll float myself away
Yet you call my name
In your sleep

And you never come to me
You don't to set yourself free
Time to walk away...
I don't need to be dragged down
even lower than I've been before,
I don't need no leeching lover
Let me bleed out on the floor
I've been through so much before
I don't wanna give myself to nothin no more